UPC Center

A Uniting Structure for:

UPC Print

The industry leader in production and methods for printed information.

UPC Media

New innovative content solutions and customer oriented business models.


The industry leader in 'the next big thing' in the mobile industry; payments, health, education, workforce management, logistical products, document controls and knowledge based information systems.

Expertise and Innovation

Knowledge Based Systems

As a special field and focus area UPC Center is re-developing old control based information systems into knowledge based, consumer/client oriented products instead of authority/single use oriented products. Thus UPC Center is the key developer of autoID systems for people, products, documents and processes.

Real Time Work Management

The stop forward is auto Report systems for RealTime work management, cutting out unnecessary supervisionary organizations and processes which lead to late and lazy committee evaluation systems of reports and analytics.

Vertical & Horizontal Integration

UPC Center is also specialist in vertical and horizontal integration.
SmartCity and SmartCompany solutions are already implemented and can be studied based on real data.

Concepts of Education

UPC Center is creating methods, systems and concepts for new schools using information and knowledge as the prime source and education rather than buildings and administration. We do this by including autoReport functions to reduce the burden for the teacher resulting in an environment where the teacher can focus on interaction, resulting in increased activity and social connections.

Healthcare Systems

UPC Center is developing real healthcare systems where knowledge and information is in the center of the care process, both for client and healthcare personnel.

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